Tag Archive | Mason

Attacking the web series

A couple of years ago, Johan and I worked together for the first time, on a 48 hour horror film challenge. We had worked on some ideas, after being given our title and theme, but that was put aside as we decided to use a completely different idea, that we improvised. That became ‘Mason’ and we’re now looking at extending out the idea. At first, it was going to be a 30 minute mockumentary, however, we’ve decided to kick it off this year, as a web series.

There have a been a few successful web series, over the last year or two, none more so, than the Whedon created “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog”, starring Nathan Fillion, Neil Patrick Harris and Felicia Day. The latter has since gone on to create a web series of her own “The Guild”, which is now it’s 3rd season. Both of these are extremely entertaining and are well worth watching, especially if you’re interested in making strides in the web series arena. Take a look at http://www.watchtheguild.com and http://doctorhorrible.net – it’s worth while.

Back to ‘Mason’! We’ll be getting things moving on this in May and will be looking at bringing back the original cast members of Gareth Cooper and Sandy Jarvis and we’re looking forward to getting cracking on it.

The poster below was for the original short, called “Before Night Falls”.

I’ll be keeping the updates coming, as Johan and I (In5anity Productions) progress on the multiple projects we have going at the moment.